{ "activityImages": { "ULTRAKILL": "https://fs.violets-purgatory.dev/ULTRAKILL/etc/DiscordIcon.webp" }, "quotes": [ "Remember the 14th commandment: Thou shalt always clean thy plate and not waste anything, whether thy stomach is full, or not.", "Remember son, dying is gay!", "Your friendly neighborhood queer", "Boykisser", "I hate javascript!!!", "Don't fuck with this senator!", "Crazy? I was crazy once!", "Happy 200 commits!", "Also try lunasother.nl :3", "I'll finally add that commit count thingy... someday...", "Play Cave Story!", "Cave Story+ Sucks!", "Running out of quote ideas", "Fun fact: The quote at my bottom is actually my discord status :/", "World's Worst Developer", "Remember when I used to call myself a 'Game Developer'?", "Why are arrays and dictionaries in JSON files way more strict than in Javascript??
No like seriously why cant I use quotes instead of quotation marks :/", "Bored", "This website is way too empty T^T", "Did you know there are currently {QUOTE_COUNT} quotes?" ], "thumborInstances": [ "https://thumbor-production-0e82.up.railway.app/", "https://enormous-book-production.up.railway.app/", "https://unusual-back-production.up.railway.app/", "https://axiomatic-hair-production.up.railway.app/" ] }