const path = require('path'), fs = require('fs'), WebSocket = require('ws'), minify = require('@node-minify/core'), uglifyJs = require("@node-minify/uglify-js"), htmlMinifier = require("minify-html"), activityToHTML = require("./overcomplicatedStatuses.js"), randomThemer = require("./randomThemer.js"), himalaya = require("himalaya") var constants = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'constants.json'))) var highlightedWords = constants.highlightedWords var quotes = constants.quotes var titles = constants.titles var globalSpins = 0 var commitCount = "500+" var lanyardData = undefined var uptime = var reloads = 0 function firstToUpper(str) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1) } var thumborURL = "" var imgExtension = "png" var thumborArgs = `filters:format(${imgExtension})/` function timeFormatter(seconds) { seconds = Math.ceil(seconds) var minutes = Math.ceil(seconds / 60) var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60) if (seconds <= 60) { return 'about ' + seconds + ' seconds' } else if (minutes < 60) { return `${minutes} Minutes` } return `${hours} hours and ${minutes % 60} minutes` } function converter(html) { var startTime = html = html var config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'config/config.json'))) var statusText = "" if (lanyardData) { var statusData = constants.discStatuses[lanyardData.discord_status] var username = lanyardData.discord_user.username if (lanyardData.activities[0] && lanyardData.activities[0].type == 4) { var statusText = `
` } } else { var statusData = constants.discStatuses.offline var username = "bingus_violet" } var bnchName = "Beta" var bnchSub = "beta." if (process.env.BRANCH == "dev") { bnchName = "Stable" bnchSub = "" } var replacers = { "ALL_KEYWORDS": undefined, "ALL_HIGHLIGHTS": Object.keys(highlightedWords).join(", "), "BRANCH_NAME": bnchName, "BRANCH_SUB": bnchSub, "RANDOM_QUOTE": quotes[Math.floor(Math.random() * quotes.length)], "COMMIT_COUNT": commitCount, "QUOTE_COUNT": quotes.length, "RANDOM_TITLE": titles[Math.floor(Math.random() * titles.length)], "DISCORD_STATUS": `${statusData.text}` + ``, "UPTIME": uptime, "TOPBAR": ``, "DISCORD_USER": username, "CUSTOM_STATUS": statusText, "SELECTED_VIDEO": () => { if (config.dailyVideoURL) { return `I would call it random daily video but its not at all daily...
Uh oh... I think your lost? There's nothing here :P
`) } } } async function updateCommits() { var siteResponse = await (await fetch(`${process.env.BRANCH || "origin"}`)).text() var commits = siteResponse.substring(0, siteResponse.indexOf("Commits")) commits = commits.substring(commits.lastIndexOf("") + 3, commits.lastIndexOf("")) // ^ this works for Forgejo (basically everything i use that isnt Github E.G. Codeberg) // commits = commits.substring(commits.lastIndexOf(">") + 1) // ^ This works for Github (fuck you Github) commitCount = commits.toString() if (process.env.BRANCH == "dev") { commitCount += " | Beta site" } } updateCommits() // Lanyard Stuffs var lastLanyardUpdate = var lastPong = 0 var activityImages = constants.activityImages var cachedImages = {} function get_img_url(activity, size = "large_image") { if ("assets" in activity) { var image = activity.assets[size] if (image) { if (image.includes("https/")) { return decodeURIComponent('https://' + image.substr(image.indexOf('https/') + 6, image.length)) } else if (image.includes("spotify")) { return decodeURIComponent('' + image.substr(image.indexOf('spotify:') + 8, image.length)) } else { return decodeURIComponent('' + activity.application_id + "/" + image + ".png") } } } if (!image && size == "large_image") { if ( in activityImages) { return decodeURIComponent(activityImages[]) } } return null } function socketeer() { var lanyard = new WebSocket('') lanyard.on("error", (error) => { console.log(error) }) lanyard.on("close", () => { console.log("Connection Closed. Attempting Reconnect in 30 seconds.") setTimeout(() => { socketeer() }, 30000); }) function ping(dur) { lanyard.send(JSON.stringify({ op: 3 })) setTimeout(() => { ping(dur) if ( - lastPong > 120000) { lanyard.close() console.log("Max duration since last pong exceeded- Closing socket.") } }, dur); } lanyard.addEventListener("message", async (res) => { var data = JSON.parse( // console.log(data.op) if (data.op == 1) { console.log("Connected to Discord Websocket!") ping(30000) lastPong = } else if (data.op == 3) { lastPong = } else if (data.op == 0) { lanyardData = data.d lastLanyardUpdate = for (let index = 0; index < lanyardData.activities.length; index++) { const activity = lanyardData.activities[index]; if (get_img_url(activity)) { var url = get_img_url(activity) var fn = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100_000_000_000).toString() + "." + imgExtension var fp = path.join(__dirname, 'cached', fn) if (!cachedImages[url]) { const response = await (await fetch(thumborURL + "200x200/" + thumborArgs + url)).arrayBuffer() fs.writeFileSync(fp, Buffer.from(response)) cachedImages[url] = fn } } if (get_img_url(activity, "small_image")) { var url = get_img_url(activity, "small_image") var fn = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100_000_000_000).toString() + "." + imgExtension var fp = path.join(__dirname, 'cached', fn) if (!cachedImages[url]) { const response = await (await fetch(thumborURL + "64x64/" + thumborArgs + url)).arrayBuffer() fs.writeFileSync(fp, Buffer.from(response)) cachedImages[url] = fn } } } } else if (data.op == 4) { globalSpins = data.spins } }) } socketeer()