

Some questions that, nobody has ever actually asked, but I'm gonna act like they have because its fun!


Well, believe it or not, there's no javascript involved!!!! :D
Or well no client side javascript anyway...

Using a wonderful program called lanyard, my website is connected to a websocket that sends a signal every time my discord updates (E.G. My status changes... or I open a game...)

Then, it uses the new info to dynamically generate the main page!
The more technically advanced of you can check it out on Codeberg, but be warned, it's coded TERRIBLY. I didn't really wanna use a library so i coded it all myself, and there's no actual system, just pure chaos :/


Actually, i'm not really sure
Originally I think this site started out because I saw people had these cool "carrd" sites and stuff in their bio and wanted to make something close to carrd but made by myself.

Nowadays, though, this site is used more as a learning opportunity! I try to do new, experimental, wacky things here, and use them in projects later.

For example, my Youtube Converter, Univerter, I was only able to make because I already learnt how to make dynamically generated HTML. (Univerter, as I am writing this, has no dynamically generated HTML, but it used to!)

How does it update?

I use a site called railway for hosting, which connects to a github repository, which is synced with a codeberg repository. The github repo is only there because, annoyingly, Railway only supports docker and Github.
The main site (violets-purgatory.dev) updates with the origin branch, while the beta site (beta.violets-purgatory.dev) updates with the dev branch. I originally wanted to use dev as the subdomain for the sake of consistancy, but, dev.violets-purgatory.dev just doesn't really roll off the tongue...

Why do you (hate/never use) Javascript?

Because its more fun :D Inevitably, I would put something more informative here, like "for the sake of compatibility" which, don't get me wrong, a huge part of it is so that people who disable javascript can use my site, but also, if you've seen my CSS it should be clear I don't try to be the most backwards compatible.