2024-02-01 19:57:48 +00:00

67 lines
3.7 KiB

"activityImages": {
"quotes": [
"Remember the 14th commandment: Thou shalt always clean thy plate and not waste anything, whether thy stomach is full, or not.",
"Remember son, dying is gay!",
"Your friendly neighborhood queer",
"I hate javascript!!!",
"Don't fuck with this senator!",
"Crazy? I was crazy once!",
"Happy 200 commits!",
"Also try <a href=''></a> :3",
"I'll finally add that commit count thingy... someday...",
"Play Cave Story!",
"Cave Story+ Sucks!",
"Running out of quote ideas",
"World's Worst Developer",
"Remember when I used to call myself a 'Game Developer'?",
"Why are arrays and dictionaries in JSON files way more strict than in Javascript?? <br> No like seriously why cant I use quotes instead of quotation marks :/",
"This website is way too bloated T^T",
"Did you know there are currently {QUOTE_COUNT} quotes?",
"I seriously need to optimize this site <br> I guess there's always worse, though...",
"You had a 1/{QUOTE_COUNT} chance in getting tihs quote. Same with any other quote, I guess :|",
"Literally just dumping whatever 2 iq thought comes into my mind into this file for more quotes",
"Maybe I should make a discord server. <br>Maybe I should hook up this quote thing to said Discord server. Idk :3",
"I should really remove the google font :yuu:",
"Is sharing your IP <em>reallyy</em> that bad?",
"The worst git user to exist",
"This idiot has no idea how branches work",
"Their ass is NOT listening",
"Having issues? Try reporting an ID-10-T error on the codeberg :D",
"No I don't use Github :3",
"I'm still sad about that one person who liked one of my repositories on Github but not on codeberg :(",
"I get no attention on codeberg!!",
"My fedi is dead! And so is my youtube I guess! I guess my Github too...",
"I think {QUOTE_COUNT} is enough quotes at this point...",
"I'm really just finding excuses to throw the quote count ({QUOTE_COUNT}) in as many quotes as I can because i had to spend 2 seconds making it :3",
"Please check out <a href=''>Univerter</a>!",
"Please check out <a href=''>SteamRPC</a>! (Linux only)",
"Please check out <a href=''>the api for this site</a> :3",
"Please check out the <a href=''>beta</a>!",
"Simpletube? Hah, I hardly remember her... its been a long time hasn't it... Maybe i'll return to it one day soon...",
"Okay I <em>REALLY</em> need an image cache :/",
"You know... I was a Roblox Developer Once...",
"I used to love Star Glitcher games",
"Git rebase my beloved...",
"PROUD OWNER OF: <a href=''></a>!",
"These birds are Pissing me off... I'm the original &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Starwalker"
"thumborInstances": [
"highlightedWords": {
"birds": "yellow",
"Pissing": "yellow",
"Starwalker": "yellow"