<p>Well, believe it or not, there's no javascript involved!!!! :D<br><spanstyle="color: darkgray; font-size: 0.9rem;">Or well no client side javascript anyway...</span></p>
<p>Using a wonderful program <a>called lanyard</a>, my website is connected to a websocket that sends a signal every time my discord updates (E.G. My status changes... or I open a game...)</p>
<p>Then, it uses the new info to dynamically generate the main page!<br>The more technically advanced of you can check it out on Codeberg, but be warned, it's coded <b>TERRIBLY.</b> I didn't really wanna use a library so i coded it all myself, and there's no actual system, just pure chaos :/</p>
I use a site called railway for hosting, which connects to a github repository, which is synced with a codeberg repository. The github repo is only there because, <em>annoyingly</em>, Railway only supports docker and Github.
The main site (violets-purgatory.dev) updates with the origin branch, while the beta site (beta.violets-purgatory.dev) updates with the dev branch. I originally wanted to use dev as the subdomain for the sake of consistancy, but, dev.violets-purgatory.dev just doesn't really roll off the tongue...
<h2><hr>Why do you (hate/never use) Javascript?</h2>
<p>Because its more fun :D Inevitably, I would put something more informative here, like "for the sake of compatibility" which, don't get me wrong, a huge part of it is so that people who disable javascript can use my site, but also, if you've seen my CSS it should be clear I don't try to be the <em>most</em> backwards compatible.</p>