# Univerter A web youtube downloader & converter for youtube videos with no client-sided javascript. It can be found at https://yt.violets-purgatory.dev Currently supports a wide variety of formats, but only supports youtube. If you have any other sites you want supported, or any other formats, please open an issue. ## Announcement The developer branch is currently broken, as it is unfinished. Please don't report bugs yet. # Installation There are 2 main ways to install Univerter: ## Docker The docker image can be found at https://hub.docker.com/r/bingusviolet/univerter Port 8080 (or whatever you set the environment variable to) is exposed inside the container. It can be changed with `-p` Example: ```bash docker run -p 8080:8080 bingusviolet/univerter ``` It can now be found on port 8080 ## Npm 1. Clone the repository ```bash git clone https://github.com/Violets-puragtory/YoutubeConverter cd YoutubeConverter ``` 2. Install Dependancies - [ffmpeg](https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg) - [node](https://github.com/nodejs/node) - [npm](https://github.com/npm/cli) 3. Download NodeJS Dependencies ```bash npm install ``` ## Starting it ```bash npm start ``` # Environment Variables `PORT`= [Preffered Port] (8080 if unspecified) # Instances Here is a list of all currently public instances. If you want to add your instance to this list, please make an issue or pull request! - [yt.violets-purgatory.dev](https://yt.violets-purgatory.dev)